Work with us ...

What Staff Say

It's vital for us to have great teams at our events as the atmosphere and ethos is what makes it memorable for both campers and staff themselves. Read below what some of our most recent tutors think of their experience ...

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Having just accepted a job offer for a 3rd year placement at university, my Tech Camp experience was invaluable. I developed many valuable skills, greatly improving my communication ability as well as technical ability. In my role as the Technical Manager, I also gained valuable teamwork, problem-solving, and organisation skills. My time here also really helped me and feel confident and enjoy going into interviews for future jobs.
Most importantly perhaps, I really loved my time at Tech Camp and kept going back because of the amazing people I got to work with, many of whom have become good friends.
Luke, Feb 2024
Tutor & Technical Manager
Comp Sci, Leicester
Now on placement at BAE
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I’ve met and worked with so many incredible Tech Camp tutors and staff. A hugely diverse bunch from all over the country, unified by our love of technology and inspiring the next generation.

It’s sometimes hard to tell who’s having more fun at camp; the kids or the tutors?

Making a positive impact and getting to share everything we love about everything geeky with such a fantastic group all week has to be the best part of the job, without a doubt!
James, Sept 2023
3D Printing Tutor
Mech Eng, Southampton
Now running own software company
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Working at Tech Camp was a great start to my career. It gave me a lot of confidence, and made public speaking at university and work so much easier as I got a lot of practice! Despite being hard work, camp was always a lot of fun, and it's great being around all the fellow tutors who share my love of everything geeky! All of the staff at Tech Camp are great, and they always form a team, with everyone helping out.

The courses were also great fun.  How can you go wrong with robots or making video games with children?  Working with the campers was always rewarding, particularly being part of the the moment when they grasp a concept or finally work out how to fix their own mistakes.
Alex, Dec 2023
Robotics & Coding Tutor
Maths, Warwick
Now working Full time at BT

Current Permanent Vacancies

There are currently no permanent vacancies

Current Temporary Vacancies

We are recruiting for someone to help on a temporary basis during the summer holidays in 2024 as a technical assistant. No experience required and all training provided. This would be a perfect job for someone aged 16+ who is looking for holiday work.

Technical Assistant Job Description and link to Application Form

Current Seasonal Vacancies

Course Tutors

We are always on the lookout for talented staff who are enthusiastic communicators of their fields. We typically employ engineering and computer science students (and occasionally teachers and independent freelancers) to run our courses for a number of weeks in the Easter and summer holidays. We primarily look for people who have great interpersonal skills and who are highly skilled in one or more fields of technology that we teach. As many of our courses involve programming, we generally include a practical 'programming challenge' in any interviews, so we generally only encourage those who are expert programmers to apply!  There are, however, exceptions as some courses (like 3D Printing and Drone Racing) have less programming, and we then look for staff who are highly skilled in these topics.  We are not a typical activity camp so opportunities for more general 'camp counsellors' are limited.

This summer's camps stretch from mid-July to the end of August and are run across four venues (London, Abingdon, Aldermaston and Winchester). Staff at our London, Abingdon and Aldermaston venues tend to live within commuting distance, whereas staff at our Winchester (residential) venue tend to come from further afield as accommodation is provided. The Winchester venue also runs for two weeks over the Easter school holidays.

We are actively looking for tutors for our 2025 Easter and Summer camps across all venues:

Course Tutor (Non-residential at Abingdon, Aldermaston, Reading or Fulham) Job Description and link to Application Form
Course Tutor (Residential at Winchester venue) Job Description and link to Application Form

Non-Residential Camp Manager

We sometimes have openings for non-residential managers at our Abingdon and Fulham day venues and often have teachers take this role, although experience in teaching is not necessarily required (but experience with children certainly is, and also with managing other staff).

We are actively looking for a Non-Residential Manager for our 2025 Summer season at the Abingdon venue:

Non-residential Manager Job Description

Residential Camp Manager and House Parent

We also sometimes have openings for residential managers at the Winchester venue. Like the non-residential manager role, this position is often filled by a teacher, although experience in teaching is not necessarily required (but experience with children certainly is, and also with managing other staff). We are recruiting for a camp manager at our Winchester venue (residential so accommodation is supplied) in August.

We are actively looking for a Residential Manager for our 2025 Easter and Summer seasons:

Residential Manager Job Description

At our residential (Winchester) venue we also employ a house parent who helps the manger with all sorts of things related to the operation of the camp and also assist with supervision of campers. For this role we are looking for someone with substantial experience working with children, either professionally or through having parented their own children growing up.

We are actively looking for a Residential House Parent for our 2025 Easter and Summer seasons:

Residential House Parent Job Description